Why Do Cats Sleep Constantly?

Do you ever get jealous of your cat who seems to spend most of their lives snoozing in a cozy spot? A kitty who is eight years of age has only been awake for three of those years. Why does normal cat behavior involve so much sleeping?

Most of the sleeping that cats do is in the form of cat naps where the animal can quickly wake up if needed. The other type of sleep is the deep slumber which is like human sleep. Cats dream and have REM sleep just like people do. The main difference is that feiines only spend a few hours a day in this type of sleep.

Cats have several favored napping spots. They like high places so that they if can see all around the if danger threatens. Sunny spots and cozy, warm places like your bed are favorites, too.

Cats spend so much of their time sleeping due to their need to perform short bursts of enormous energy outlays in order to chase prey. Felines have to be well-rested since in the wild, their lives depended on the ability to catch dinner. Since most pet cats do not have the chance to hunt prey, they often become overweight due to the lack of exercise.

A major change in your cat's sleeping patterns should alert you to schedule a vet visit. Several illnesses can cause sleep issues, and you will want to start treatment as soon as possible if kitty is ill.

When you see your cat sleeping away the day, remember that this is not a sign of laziness. Your cat is just doing what she's been wired to do.

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