How to Select a Cat Scratching Post

Scratching is an instinctive feline behavior. If you don't desire your furniture and draperies to be destroyed, you will need to furnish a spot for your pet to scratch. Use the hints below to choose the best cat scratching post for your pet.

Decide what material you would prefer. Alternatives include sisal, cardboard, carpet and wood. Cats frequently have clear preferences so you may have to try out various types to find your pet's favorite. Cardboard is not long-lasting, but some animals will only use this kind. Sisal is preferred by many as is wood since feral cats will often use wooden fences.

Scratching posts must be sturdy. If your feline attempts to use the post and tips it over, he or she may be too frightened off to use it again. Also, your pet could suffer injury.

Height Is also important. Felines will by nature attach their claws to an object and then stretch out their entire bodies. The post will have to be tall enough (or lengthy enough for slanted models) for the animal to stand on her hind legs with the front legs stretched overhead and still latch on with the front claws. Models that lay flat on the floor do not provide the chance to stretch.

Numerous models provide other features such as condos, beds, attached toys, platforms, and even catnip. Some contain two posts made of different materials such as one sisal and one carpet. You may be able to serve all of kitty's needs with one piece of cat furniture.

If you want to keep your furniture intact and spare your kitty the perils of declawing, you can use the hints above to choose the best cat scratching post for your pet.

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