Common Household Items that can Lead to Cat Poisoning

Did you know that many common household items are poisonous to cats? Since cats usually do not weigh much, only a small amount of a toxic substance can be fatal. Find out what items you need to keep away from your cat.

Plants Several

plants are toxic to cats. One common plant that causes trouble is the poinsettia. Also, azaleas, Easter lilies, oleander, and yew plants can be problematic.

Cleaning agents Household cleaners can be poisonous. If your cat drinks them, gastrointestinal tract irritation or even burns can result. You may want to only use natural substances such as vinegar for cleaning to avoid this risk.

Pest Control Products You may want to kill roaches or ants, but you do not want your beloved pet to be harmed. Your feline may be attracted to the sweet smells associated to some of these products, and sample them. Also, the use of poisons for rodents could result in poisoning of your cat if he or she happens to catch one. Again, you may want to consider natural methods of pest control to avoid these risks.

Medications Keep your medications away from kitty. Even acetaminophen can kill a cat. Other medicines known to cause trouble include diet pills, antidepressants, anti-cancer drugs, pain killers, and cold preparations. Make sure all medicines are stored in tightly closed containers behind cabinets with closed doors.

Chocolate Chocolate is found in many homes and causes illness in cats in relatively small doses. One one half ounce of baking chocolate per pound of body weight can cause toxicity in cats.

Common Household Items Some other common household items that can be fatal if ingested are pennies, fabric softener sheets, mothballs, batteries, dish detergents, cigarettes, homemade play dough, alcoholic beverages, and coffee grounds. One teaspoon of antifreeze an kill a 7-pound cat, and animals are attracted to it because of its sweet smell. Gasoline and oil ingestion can also cause death.

Pet Products Use pet products that are made for cats. Some dog items can cause illness if used on felines. Do not use sprays or foggers when your cat is present. Also, check the label for how long to wait before bringing your pet back into the area.

Lawn Products Lawn products including fertilizers, herbicides, and insecticides can be toxic. Do not let your cats into your yard after using such a product until the grass is completely dry.

Prevent a tragedy from happening to your pet by keeping the household items mentioned above away from your cat and following the other precautions mentioned.

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