Tips for Responsible Cat Breeding

Some people may think that cat breeding only involves getting a male and female cat together and producing a litter of kittens. For responsible cat breeders, this is only one step in the process. Find out how you can tell if someone is using cat breeding to further the breed or for other purposes.
- A cat breeder is concerned about preserving or enhancing the cat’s pedigree. Cats are not bred indiscriminately. Instead, great care is taken to select parent cats based on health, personality traits, and physical traits.
- Breeders are interested in learning more about cats. They need to keep up with the latest research in order to select cats to be bred.
- For the cat breeder, breeding is a planned process, and accidental litters should not happen.
- A responsible breeder will be interested in the welfare of the cat long after it is placed in a new home. They should be willing to take the animal back for any reason.
- A true cat breeder does not breed more animals than he or she can take care of.
Cat breeding the right way requires lots of dedication and hard work. But, the rewards are many including the joy of placing an animal in a wonderful home and being instrumental in furthering a cat breed.